The European Institute of Health and Sustainable Development

The overall goal of the organization is protection of human and civil rights through research and advocacy in the sphere of human rights, health, sustainable development.

Areas of operation are research and application of social science and humanities, international cooperation.

About Us

The European Institute of Health and Sustainable Development is non-profit, non-governmental organization, founded with the mission to work  for democracy, transparency and sustainable development in European region. The organization intends to work with general public, governments, as well as local and international NGOs.

Issues related to sustainable development are high on the agenda of the international policy, especially regarding sustainable development goals approved by UN. Public debates on health matters are fostered by health emergency caused by corona-virus pandemic. Though public opinion more and more reveals importance of broader inclusion of more actors for debating and finding overdue solutions.

Key founders of the EIHSD have experience of working in national as well as international institutions and academia. They are eager to create networks of experts across Europe in order to:

  1. facilitate debate among professionals, politicians, civil society representatives about a pan-European solution
  2. elevate SDGs, climate change and universal health coverage as a priority issue for the EU.


A European Health Union: A Blueprint for Generations

Minimalių pajamų sistemos adekvatumo studijos rengimas (Preparation of the Study on Minimum Income System Adequacy)

Rare diseases in Lithuania: systemic solutions to pave the way towards regional leadership

Working together to Address Healthcare Workforce Mobility in Europe

European Union Beating Cancer Plan

Stronger Europe, European Health Union


A survey of the country’s population on the assessment of health, education and transport services and attitudes towards the integration of Ukrainians

Lietuvos sveikatos priežiūra pilnametystės Europos sąjungoje sulaukus

European Health Union and Healthcare Workforce Mobility in Europe, 2020-2023

Imbalances of health workforce across the EU27

Kaip ES ir ES Baltijos jūros regiono šalys 2020-2021 metais suvaldė pandemiją

COVID-19. Preliminarus dviejų pandemijos metų perteklinio mirčių skaičiaus įvertinimas

Statistinė Lietuvos savaitinių mirtingumo duomenų už 10-49 metų savaites analizė

Our Partners


Media Coverage


Gediminas Černiauskas


Olga Morozova


Ramunė Sakalauskaitė

Public Relation Expert

Birutė Tumienė

Senior Expert, Rare Diseases, Cancer Project

Algis Dobravolskas


Markus Schneider

Managing Director of consulting company BASYS, Germany
