About Us
The European Institute of Health and Sustainable Development is non-profit, non-governmental organization, founded with the mission to work for democracy, transparency and sustainable development in European region. The organization intends to work with general public, governments, as well as local and international NGOs.
Issues related to sustainable development are high on the agenda of the international policy, especially regarding sustainable development goals approved by UN. Public debates on health matters are fostered by health emergency caused by corona-virus pandemic. Though public opinion more and more reveals importance of broader inclusion of more actors for debating and finding overdue solutions.
Key founders of the EIHSD have experience of working in national as well as international institutions and academia. They are eager to create networks of experts across Europe in order to:
- facilitate debate among professionals, politicians, civil society representatives about a pan-European solution
- elevate SDGs, climate change and universal health coverage as a priority issue for the EU.
Our Partners

The 11 MEPs who actually matter
Ar viešoji nuomonė svarbi šalies ir sveikatos politikai?
COVID-19: eiga, valdymas, poveikis sveikatos rodikliams, socialinės-ekonominės pasekmės
Gediminas Černiauskas
Olga Morozova
Ramunė Sakalauskaitė

Birutė Tumienė
Algis Dobravolskas
Markus Schneider
Managing Director of consulting company BASYS, Germany