European Patients’ Forum.
PODCAST EPISODE #8 – European Health Union Manifesto with Dr. Vytenis Andriukaitis
The EU Patients’ Podcast Episode Description
On World Health Day, we decided to talk about the Health Union Manifesto and its impact on patients. In late 2020, a Manifesto was drafted by high-level health policy experts calling on the political leaders of Europe to commit to creating a European Health Union (EHU) beyond the crisis. It invites the people of Europe to engage in building a health policy that contributes to the long-term sustainable development of the European Union (EU). The Manifesto sets out a vision to build a European Health Union where all people are as healthy as they can be throughout their lives. Our special guest today is Dr Vytenis Andriukaitis. He is the WHO Special Envoy for the European region as well as the former European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety (2014-2019), former Minister of Health of Lithuania and Member of the Lithuanian Parliament for six mandates. He led the Lithuanian delegation to the Convention on the Future of Europe and is one of the initiators of the European Health Union Manifesto.
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